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Kansas, the three-party state: moderate and conservative Republicans compete on the legislative battlefield - Political ProfessionalAt first glance, Kansas would appear to be one of the safest states for Republican candidates. While Al Gore was narrowly edging George W. Bush in the nationwide popular vote, Kansas voters backed the eventual president with 58 percent support. In 2002 U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts (R) won re-election with no Democratic opponent, garnering 84 percent of the vote against third-party challengers.

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Cambodia deserves a bright future: but how will it get there? - Political ProfessionalWith each election, the Cambodian people inch closer toward a future where they can freely engage in political debate, cast a secret ballot and choose a representative body that meets their needs and ensures that peace will be the norm, not the exception. Political professional graduate schools consultant and expert q&a - Political Professional Graduate Schools: Questions and AnswerC&E: How do you think students in college and graduate school today view careers in government service? Are they more or less inclined to enter the public sector than 10 or 15 years ago? How about lobbying or public affairs?
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In Houston, a joker in the mayoral deck: Political consultants who work for candidates in both parties routinely decry the use of race as an issue to mobilize voters - The Political ProfessionalIN AMERICAN POLITICS, race has replaced patriotism as the last refugee of scoundrels. Or perhaps it has become, as writer Ambrose Bierce might have observed, the first. Time after time, the infamous race card is thrown down as a gauntlet by one campaign or the other in an effort to motivate voters. In political terms, this makes some sense New York State Office of Professional Medical Conduct: Are Its Policies and Performance Becoming a Political Liability? - overview of medical regulation in New York StateThe following installment continues a three-part article on state regulation of medicine. The opening installment, in last month's Townsend Letter, began with a brief history of laws that define the practice of medicine in each state, set medical licensing requirements, and establish boards to supervise physicians.
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